Just Out! Rusty’s Newest Song! “Bad Outlaw”(Bluegrass Remix) @ Top40-Charts.com -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) There are plenty of songs about outlaws famous for their daring crimes. American songwriter/storyteller Rusty Gear has just released Bad Outlaw (Bluegrass Remix), a song about Bill Miner, a famously unsuccessful outlaw who roamed the Pacific Northwest at the turn of the century. The song is a humorous telling of the true story of Bill Miner’s failed robberies and escapes from the law as the “gentleman bandit” who “always wore a gun, he waved it around but never shot at anyone.” He may have coined the phrase “Hands Up“, but “when it came to being an outlaw, Bill Miner was no good”. Produced by Brad Hill in Nashville, the fast paced bluegrass tune features exceptional musicianship by Nashville pros Carl Miner (no relation) on guitar, Scotty Sanders on Dobro, Lee Francis on bass and Tim Galloway on banjo. The song has been a favorite at Rusty’s live performances and is sure to please. It is part of a six song EP Something in the Water now available on all streaming platforms.

Rusty Gear is an American singer-songwriter who leads a collaboration of great musicians to create and record original country, blues and southern rock music. Rusty’s primary focus has always been the song writing, where he tries to tell authentic stories of life in America and deliver rocking numbers that will energize his live performances. He has released 8 albums/ EPs of original music featuring top Nashville session players and members of the famed Muscle Shoals Rythm Section. Rusty’s songs have received radio play around the world and charted on the Billboard Country Breakout Chart, Roots Radio in Blues and Americana and on the Hotdisc Top 40, where he has 3 #1s and 6 in the top ten. Rusty’s songs have been streamed over 2.7 million times on Spotify.

Learn more at www.rustygearmusic.com.

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