Lack of Sex (33m/31f)


Trying to some other peoples thoughts on this. Long story short, my gf had an affair just a little over a year ago for 3-4 months (sex twice). Decided to reconcile and sort out our differences. Things has turned around has been better, ups and downs of course. Our sex life improved quite a bit from none before to 2-3 a month. Well August and September has been once a month. She is saying this due to a lot of things changing in our lives recently. Our 6 year old starting school and her starting a part time job (once or twice a week). Have been trying to be intimate the past few days and tonight. She just says we have too much to do and wish we didn’t have that much to do. I just don’t get it. Am I being too self absorbed? Am I expecting too much? Am I in the wrong? I mean my demeaned this evening has been quiet and to my self because I’m just tired of not being showed anything. Just feel like I’m doing something wrong or am just not enough. She says otherwise when I’ve brought it up. She just says, “sorry I suck, that’s what you’re telling me.” Just would like time together intimately. Can’t even get paid attention to at night when we’re by ourselves, would rather lay with the dog. Then when I say something about that she makes me feel stupid. I just don’t know anymore.


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