Ladies, how do you actually feel about giving and receiving oral?


My relationship with sex has always been complicated (31F). Recent relationships have got me thinking through things that have happened to me in the past, as well as behaviours I feel and don’t feel comfortable with when it comes to sex.

Oral sex is one such complicated aspect of sex for me. In particular, the idea of giving oral has for some reason always almost repulsed me. I don’t dislike receiving it, actually quite enjoy it, but since it’s not something I’m necessarily comfortable with reciprocating, I never really explicitly ask for it. I have been in some relationships where sex was a difficult thing, which could partially explain why giving oral is problematic for me, but also, I can’t seem to be able to make myself see it as pleasant and not degrading. I just don’t have desire for it and have no idea ‘what feels good’ for a guy down there either.

Women, how do you actually feel about giving oral? How did you learn to enjoy it in case you did? In case you didn’t and don’t do it, how did that affect your sexual relationships? Men, can a woman be perceived as caring and ‘good’ in bed if she is not comfortable with giving oral? (I’m heterosexual hence the choice of use ‘men’ and ‘women’ but I realise there is more to that than what my wording implies, just to clarify).

Thanks all for sharing thoughts – appreciate it.


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