Libido enhancing herbs causing loss of libido?


Hi all,

I’m 43m with a good libido and active lifestyle (gym 5x per week). With my slightly present midlife crisis I thought: more is better.

So I read a lot on Reddit for “good” legal products.

I tried 3 products after each other. So not at the same time.

1) I tried horny goat weed, but that made my libido non existent and made me feel very irritated towards everyone. Stopped after 4 days.

2) Next was fenugreek: complete loss of libido. Stopped after 4 days.

3) Last one was black Maca root (gelatinized): complete loss of libido. Stopped after 4 days.

I mean… I can understand that certain products don’t work for everyone, but neither of those did anything. On the contrary… they made things worse.

Few days after quitting the libido was back to normal.

Any tips?


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