Liverpool West Productions Presents “The Cavern Club: The Beat Goes On” @ -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) West Productions is proud to present, “The Cavern Club: The Beat Goes On.” A story of a club that remains the beating heart of Liverpool’s iconic music scene and quite rightly takes its position on the world’s stage. Presented and narrated by Paul McGann (Luther) and with contributions from the likes of Sir Paul McCartney. This is a unique documentary feature, telling the untold, colorful story of the self-proclaimed ‘greatest club in the world.’ The documentary is available for streaming on Peacock as of March 8th.

The Cavern Club was founded in 1957 by young jazz aficionado, Alan Sytner, who sought to recreate the headiness of his beloved jazz clubs in Paris. Famous for being the venue that hosted The Beatles 292 times, the club survived two closures and was tragically demolished, only to be rebuilt brick-by-brick. After many highs and lows, the club is back to its former glory, hosting artists like Adele, Jessie J, and the Arctic Monkeys.

This documentary follows several other Liverpool West Productions releases on the iconic Liverpool music scene. Films include “It Was Fifty Years Ago Today,”a 50th Anniversary documentary about the Beatles and their journey to fame, and “Adele: 30 Greatest Moments” on the artist’s rise to becoming Adele.

Stream the film from our partner Peacock here:

Liverpool West Productions is a production and distribution house committed to projects of passion. From music and travel to culture and comedy, Liverpool West’s film offerings include anything outside the realm of narrative feature film. Founded by a music lover, Liverpool West’s name honors the birthplace of The Beatles and the cultural transformation that followed. Find our films streaming on all major platforms from all connected devices.

For more information, visit

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