Long term same sex relationship with partner of 2 years


My partner (26m) and I (20m) have been together now for two years. After about a couple of months of being together we started to have intercourse. For context prior to us being together he had several partners including one who was a nymphomaniac, and allegedly did regular hook ups with people. Myself on the other hand he has been my only partner who I’ve had sexual relations with. Initially when we started we’d do it maybe once every other week or so. However, within more recent memory it was about maybe once or twice a month, more frequently once a month. Additionally whenever we’d do anything it was primarily HJs or BJs, with me mainly initiating them. I have no problem with this nor really find it to be much of problem. However, with us now being long distance for the past two months, as well as unsolicited opinions from some people, I’ve grown to be a bit insecure on whether our frequency or “sex” habits are seemingly normal? More so we’ve only ever really done anal a small handful of times. He’s stated that he wants to try it more but due to our sizes it is a bit more difficult and frustrating as neither of us are experienced in receiving. Generally speaking, am I right to feel a little unnerved by our frequency/habits? For future tense what is the best way to become more prepared to do anal?


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