Loosing sex drive


I am seriously loosing my sex drive as my wife’s sex drive is going through the roof.

A little context for most of our relationship our sex life hasnt been the best. Maybe once every 2 weeks and sometimes going months on end without any kind of sex. It drove me wild to point where I was seriously considering divorce.

Last year my wife had a hysterectomy because we were done with having kids and her time of the month was just horrible for her. So in turn she got IUD removed and I am 100 percent sure that was the cause of our no sex/intimacy.

Fast forward to our present day and my wife cannot get enough of me. We have sex at least 4x a week now. Which is absolutely amazing. But I cannot keep up anymore. From where I couldn’t hardly ever have sex to where I can pretty much anytime I want to. I have had my testerome checked and every checks out fine. I’m not over overweight but definitely not the best shape. Guess you can say I have the traditional dad bod.

So what else could be the reason why I’m just hardly ever in the mood anymore? It really sucks telling my wife no especially when she used to tell me no all the time. I absolutely love her and the sex is more amazing than I could have ever imagined.


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