Low libido? Tips to help rediscover my sexuality?


In the 2 years we dated, we used to have sex all the time. I would wake up in the middle of the night and then proceed to wake him up just so we could mess around. I used to state that I didn’t know what sex was u til I had sex with him. It started to slow down the longer we were dating. We got engaged and then even married and my husband we would barely touch each other. Not from lack of trying. He wants to always, it’s just me that can’t. I just never have the libido / drive. Some want to say it’s my Venlafaxine but it was this way before I was started on it. It’s gotten worse since having 2 kids (2 under 2.) I just feel nothing down there. No enjoyment. I’ve brought this up to my OBGYN and she said it’s my Venlafaxine but I feel like it’s the only antidepressant that works for me.

I read spicy books all the time and I want to want sec and I even get turned out from them and other things. Sometimes I even get turned on enough to masturbate with a toy. The thought of having intercourse or even starting to initiate makes me back off and feel like a desert. I don’t know what to do. It’s been ~ 10 years and I want to have a normal sex life. I had SOME results with Addyi but I can’t keep paying for it every month right now (money is tight) and I’m struggling with what to do to get my libido back. I have had my TSH, free T4 and FSH. All normal.

Wondering if it’s because I have out on weight and no longer feel comfortable in my body? I have also questioned if I could be asexual but idk how to explain this to my husband. Idk what this means for us.


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