Mara – Playlists

From a producer of Paranormal Activity and Insidious comes this shock-filled descent into fear. After a man is seemingly strangled …








50 responses to “Mara – Playlists”

  1. Cody Morrow Avatar

    People think it's all Hollywood and 99% of the time it's is b.s but if you believe in God and angels then you have no choice but to believe in the devil and his angels aka demons you can't have a god with out a Satan just food for thought

  2. Cavemankind Avatar

    The lead must be the prettiest person ever named Olga.

  3. Lee Samson Avatar

    So they all were NOT sleeping, went to sleep group therapy, then slept and well….😢😮

  4. Robin Foster Avatar

    My bed shook. Vibrated until I left.

  5. TriciaM 01 Avatar

    Not scary at all. Would’ve been way better if she turned out to be schizophrenic like her mom and this turned out to be all in her mind. Would’ve made for a better ending in my opinion, instead of the classic cookie cutter ending here.

  6. Lynette Nelson Avatar

    My sleep paralysis has never had demons or bad spirits. I just am awake and unable to move much. I could, like these characters, move my eyes, and I did feel weighted down. Most of the time, the only thing that would snap me out of it was a noise, such as my baby crying or phone ringing/text alert. A few times I was able to slowly inch my hand or foot off the bed, and the sudden jolt would do the trick.

    I've also had problems with waking up, going about my morning routine, then notice something off, such as my walls being the wrong color, or the rooms in my house being arranged differently, or my cat being the wrong color. Then as soon as I noticed the anomaly, I was back in my bed, asleep, trying to wake myself up. Or sometimes I'd find myself back in bed in a paralyzed state. It was really quite strange. I'm happy to say that I haven't had either of these types of episodes in about 4-5 years.

  7. nonogram prince Avatar

    that bs rlly happened to me couple months ago… I could only move my eyes and I could see her hovering over me while I was helpless. 20 min she disappeared she was even smiling at me I couldn’t move…

  8. David Stewart Avatar

    People always say it's like The devil 👹 Riding your back not this bike 🚲😢😂🎉

  9. Allen Kracalik Avatar

    This one does reach a conclusion, though a simple one. Another plot worth a half hour tv show stretched to feature length, though some viewers may find it passable. Worth a viewing for some–maybe.

  10. Marc Rover Avatar

    For a period of approximately one month I was REPEATEDLY being tormented by the "night hag."
    If you have never encountered her, I'm not exaggerating, TORMENT is EXACTLY what it is: physical, psychological, spiritual.

    At that point, I didn't even KNOW what the "Night Hag" WAS.
    I didn't believe in demons or angels, either. So, I wasn't exactly "primed" for this to happen.

    Anyways, during this month of awfulness, I, like most people who've experienced this, tried to take solace in the "REM sleep into wakefulness" theory.

    HOWEVER, one thing really bothers me about that theory: if it's just a dream, or hallucination, then HOW IN THE HELL are the experiences LINEAR, PROGRESSIVE, SYSTEMATIC?
    For me, during the one month of INTENSE experiences, almost EVERY NIGHT things would PROGRESS.

    For example, the VERY FIRST EXPERIENCE I HAD, I awoke and immediately KNEW something "evil" was outside my bedroom door. I couldn't see it, or hear it, but I COULD FEEL IT.
    When people say, "The fear of God," now I KNOW what they mean. Because, while I don't think she was a "God," she was able to illicit a fear in me LIKE SHE WAS a EVIL GOD.

    After that, I began seeing SHADOWS MOVING IN MY ROOM, always out of the corner of my eye, and this happened outside of sleep or sleep paralysis. Another person saw one too, and they saw it NOT KNOWING I was experiencing the same thing.

    After the shadow(s) got inside my room, one night I was TAPPED on my FOOT as I was falling asleep. Three taps, my right foot, and I immediately was thrusted into "fight or flight," it is SO MUCH ADRENALINE, it feels like it's enough to STOP YOUR HEART.

    It was all progressing, moving forward, but STILL I rationalized. "Blah, blah, blah, REM sleep, sleep paralysis, blah, blah."

    Then, we came face to face: I awoke, with sleep paralysis, in BROAD EFF'N DAYLIGHT.
    Instantly, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a dark figure standing next to my bed, so I thought to myself, "INTRUDER! ROBBER!" and I go to LEAP out of bed to confront them.

    But, I can't move my body.
    So, I move my eyes to the face of this hypothetical intruder.
    It's not a "robber."
    It's, clearly, not even human.

    We lock eyes. Hers were DEEP & RAGING black stars that contained all the malice & hatred in the universe.

    She was thousands of years old. Her features were SO TWISTED and BENT she looked like she was sketched into existence by a cruel / mean caricature artist.
    She had this huge protruding brow, a giant hook nose that reached her upper-lip, a moon-shaped chin that bent UPWARDS and OFF TO THE SIDE.

    Everything about her was utterly terrifying, but, to be TOTALLY unbiased and fair, she LOOKED like a "black and white" HOLOGRAM.
    She had no mass, no depth, and didn't REFLECT LIGHT. She only absorbed it.

    I don't want to say what happened next, because it shames me.
    But, when I awoke later that day, it was the first time EVER (since moving into this house, in 2008) that I didn't go put-on the coffee right-away.
    I went straight to my desk, and Googled, "Black and white witch standing next to my bed." That's when I learned about the "night hag."

    Even after all that, I still couldn't accept it as being a "demon."
    I rationalized, minimized, and REFUSED to entertain that kind of craziness.

    But, then, other things began to happen.
    The intense nighttime torment was OVER, but now the "game" had changed.

    After seeing her, that very SAME day, I had blood coming out of my pee-hole. (Talked to doctor, STD tests were negative, considered an anomaly. Never happened again.)
    I began to hear a POPPING NOISE when I'd lay-down to sleep. (Like, someone flicking a hollow plastic with their fingers.)
    I had NIGHTMARES for a YEAR STRAIGHT. 29 days a month, I'd have nightmares. No exaggeration, either. ENDLESS NIGHTMARES.
    Loud noises, like a Harley engine, now cause me INTENSE discomfort.
    My "fortune" or "luck" got SO BAD, it began to feel like REALITY ITSELF was CONSPIRING against me.
    I felt FORSAKEN by the Universe/God. My spirituality was GONE.
    And, these are just the changes I'm remembering off the top of my head. I KNOW I'm forgetting other stuff.

    It has taken me YEARS to reclaim (most of) my former self.
    Diet, exercise, positive attitude, appreciation, talking / praying to my higher power.
    Though, I'm still in the ring, so to speak.

  11. Sam Dilworth Avatar

    I've been dealing with sleep paralysis since my teenage years. I would get it so often that I have learned to not get scared and I've learned to jump out of it pretty quickly. Sometimes I'm in a really deep sleep paralysis where it takes a little bit of time to jump out of it. I've seen and experienced all types of things when this happens. I've had things under my sheets crawling up my legs. I even had a lady in a ripped dress skipping on my bed. She would walk through the wall then come out on the other side. I've woken up with hand prints welted on to my skin that would stay there for about 20 minutes after I woke up. Another thing I've noticed is that if you have sleep paralysis and are able to jump out of it, you need to get up and walk around. If you go right back to sleep it will happen again right away. Luckily it's not as bad as it use to be. Hasn't happened in a while. When it first use to happen to me it would scare the shit out of me. I believe that your half awake and half asleep so your dreams come to life.

  12. Andrew White Avatar

    Like most everyone else in this comment section I too have sleep paralysis demons and struggle with the wakeys.

  13. C S Avatar

    Sleep paralysis is often a sign of sleep apnea and sleep apnea is often an indicator that you are suffering from some kind of metabolic disease caused by a carb heavy diet. I used to have sleep paralysis from child hood until my 30s. It went away when I found out I had sleep apnea and used a cpap machine and then the apnea went away when i went to a keto diet.

  14. Felicia Avatar

    Silly movie, they all just had a severe case of pink eye🙂

  15. Mara Thuzula Avatar

    Can't believe youtube won't show some titties, but there is a guy cutting his eye lids off…

  16. Cynthia Fondren Avatar

    Parts of it were too dark, so I missed some of it.

  17. Hailey Guerrero Avatar

    sleep paralysis is not that scary, you’re all wimps.

  18. nighthawknina86 Avatar

    sleep paralysis is a lie people make up to rationalize what is actually happening to them

  19. Stingy Lying Son Of The Bitch Natividad Ocampo Avatar

    I have many bad dreams, I was falling from the edge of the cliff, try to wake up, but I’m having a hard time feels like something stoping me. I feel paralyzed, could not wake up

  20. Scott Osgood Avatar

    (I Don't Know Which Is More🥶Frightening About This Movie The Fact That You Have An Immortal Supernatural Serial Killer Named Mara That Will Stalk and Kill You Should You Ever Feel Guilty About Anything Before You Fall Asleep Or The Fact That The Only Way To Successfully Defeat Mara Is For Everyone On The Entire🌎Planet To Learn To Live Their Entire Lives Without Ever Having To Feel Guilty About Anything Ever Again In Other Words In Order For You To Become 100% Percent Fully Immune and Protected From Mara's Sleep Killing Powers Is For You To Spend Your Entire Life Living As A Sociopath and Living In A Dystopian🌍World Full Of Sociopaths Well Excuse Me If Thats The😳Cure Give Me A Full Bottle Of Sleeping😪Pills Please I Will Be Checking Out Of This Hotel Of💀Horrors).

  21. star dancer girl Avatar

    I believe becauae it happen to me. I wasnt fully awake or fully asleep. Men ansd women were aroynd my bed. Pinning me down. Everything was a dull gray color or black and white. I screamed lird jesus help me. I was released. Ive never been so scared in my lufe!!

  22. Lavon Mcneal Avatar

    Hey this was a really great movie.. Thanks

  23. BoHoGypsy Witch Avatar

    This is a great movie.😮 what I find interesting is law enforcement and psychologist try to find logical explanation refusing to accept the spiritual world. Why? Its not tangible, you cant prosecute it or arrest it. You can't control spirits. However spirits can create damage in the mind and physical world. The downside it makes people appear irrational. Malevolent spirits are very real just like angels are really. Good and Bad is within all of us.

  24. Santana Avatar

    I want sleep paralysis

  25. Elmer Corpuz Avatar

    I still have these moments time to time when I sleep, most horrific moment when I woke up to something banging on my chair thinking it was my brother but it was actually something I didn’t want to see or hear , but I’m glad I can share my story to you all and pray you guys well

  26. Brian Jones Avatar

    Honestly, forget the detective, save the mother from the demon that's been causing terror.😢😢

  27. Joel Bulger Avatar

    Dam it got her

  28. Joel Bulger Avatar

    Yoo i can't believe I watched the whole thing a night will it's time to watch some funny nothing scary

  29. Joel Bulger Avatar

    SMH who says I am sorry I have to go home like really

  30. Hemlock Avatar

    I've had very close experiences to this with sleep paralysis. Actually this movie helped me feel a little less alone. My first time, the windows and every area with light was closed off and a shadowy figure launched itself at me. I've also been pinned down and such. Doesn't happen as much anymore. only when i'm stressed out.

  31. necrophiliaccat Avatar

    who tf takes baths

  32. D’nerys T. Avatar

    Suffering from nightmare sleep paralysis.. it’s probably not a good idea to watch this movie but 😭🤷‍♀️

  33. Lolaandmy adventurous Avatar

    Man this movie was spot on. I had a time without sleep and almost crashed.

  34. Lolaandmy adventurous Avatar

    I have experienced sleep paralysis and it sucks

  35. Jeff K. Avatar

    You are not a movie maker if you just copy the same plot and create the same basic story from another movie. Pathetic.

  36. Jeff K. Avatar

    Boring movie. This same type of movie has been done over and over and over. The Babadook, Before I Wake, etc., etc.

  37. The Real Deal Avatar

    18:46 36:53 45:30 – is when some of it happens to her. The ending was sad however I hope the little girl still doesn’t feel guilty after all that has happened. Keep the movies coming YouTube. ❤️❤️

  38. Twylite Avatar

    That was scary. Thank the Lord I’ve never experienced sleep paralysis.

  39. Caseyrae Postal Avatar

    detectives are so damn annoying in movies omg

  40. izzy Avatar

    NONONONONOOOOO WHY WHY WHY the ending :(( this movie had me thinking to make sure there wasnt anything i was guilty about, there isnt ! i do fear that this will cause me to start having sleep paralysis but im sure it wont (if it does can i sue?)

  41. Diane Avatar

    Only if the world would know of ghosts as this story teaches. This world, those living on it could be a beautiful place. "Love Truly is The Strongest of All".

  42. Tater Tot's Momma Avatar

    Serious question: If Mara really existed, do you think that it would threaten human kind as a species? Or would the evil rule? IDK I have guilt but after years…the quilt has lessen. It will always be with me but not to the point of Mara….