Me (22F) asked my boyfriend (26M) who I’ve been together with for 3 years to get tested before we go unprotected and now he’s mad.


Lately my boyfriend I will call Nick that I have been with for 3 years asked if we can lose the condoms because we know each other well enough now but during our whole entire relationship we’ve always been protected. I’ve heard horror stories and know several people who have contracted herpes, HIV and I have a friend that is infertile due to chlamydia. That being said I’m extremely careful. I don’t even give him head without a condom on.

He said he’s tired of using condoms for everything we do and wants to try more things involving his semen. One of those things mainly being cumming inside of me because he has a breeding kink. I have agreed under one condition. That’s we both go to the clinic and get tested and show each other’s results.

I did not know this was going to cause the biggest argument that we have ever had. We have never yelled at each other or called each other names before yesterday and we haven’t talked since then. I’m honestly shaking typing this out. When I asked him he got still and silent for a moment and asked in the most chilling tone “what is this supposed to mean?” And I told him it meant exactly what I said. He started accusing me of cheating or either think that he’s cheating and can’t trust him. Saying he knows who I know he is and how dare I ask him something like this after how long we’ve been together. I just stayed quiet the whole time because I never seen him go off like that.

I just left his apartment and I haven’t cried but I’ve been shaken up since yesterday. I just don’t even know what to think.

(I had a talk with him about how he reacted, and he did admit that he was in the wrong and overreacted. Thank you for the advice I got so far. Even though he said he’d get tested I think it was best we take a break which he agreed and this isn’t the first time we’ve taken a “break” during this I know there’s a possibility he may be hooking up with other people so when/if we see one another again I told him we should get tested again later on

I should also add throughout the time we’ve seen each other it has been on and off but I’ve been completely honest with him about who I’ve been with and stayed protected. I’m not completely innocent which is why I wasn’t one sided and wanted both of us to get tested)


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