might have ruined my hymen even though I’m chaste, potential dealbreaker?


not trying to judge anyone who has premarital sex, I’m from a religious household/culture where its expected to not do that so pls don’t consider this post slutshaming thank u

I’m from a predominantly white town, surrounded by non-muslims at school etc. Not acting on my urges has made me frustrated so in order to not go down that path I chose self pleasuring instead. Yesterday I was too rough and saw that there was blood on my sheets afterwards, I’m panicking ever since. I feel so stupid, I knew this could be a possibility and did it anyway. Its so silly to know that my virginity will be questioned in the future even though I’ve never been intimate with a guy and that its only because I’m dumb enough to ruin it myself. I’m already worried that my future husband won’t take me on my word if I tell him I won’t bleed on our wedding night because I touched myself already.

For fellow religious people if hypothetically your wife would say this to you in the future would you believe her and forgive her? I wouldn’t want to hide it before getting married to not make them feel trapped if they don’t believe me but I’d be too ashamed to talk about this intimate topic with a guy I’m not married to yet.


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