Milk St. Release New Track ‘China Town’ @ -Playlists


New York, NY (Top40 Charts) Bangor, Maine natives Milk St. have released their new single “China Town”, a chaotic mushroom-fuelled track with a touching coming-of-age story at it’s core.

“China Town” is the lead single for their upcoming EP Vermont, which will feature two other singles – “Peyote” and “Pixie Cuts and Angel Dust” – that will be released over the coming months. Sonically, “China Town” is as unique as the underlying story that defines it.

Imagine if The Ongoing Concept performed midwest emo; what you have is an unconventional mix of punk, indie rock, and a hint of bluegrass flowing through this confessional anthem.

Vocalist Jonah Wakefield had this to say about the new single, “China Town is a song about coming of age and steeping yourself in what truly makes you, you at a very fragile point of your life. It’s about finding out exactly who you are and embracing the uncomfortable in pursuit of self discovery. It’s also about doing mushrooms with your cousins dog.”

Northeast emo from the Pine Tree State. While the foundations of the band date back to 2018, originally under the name Spaced, Milk St. officially launched in 2022 with the release of their debut album Spaced – an ode to their first name. Composed of founding vocalist and guitarist Jonah Wakefield, bassist Gabe Chambers, and drummer Harry Burns, Mill St. quickly followed up their debut effort with two singles – “I’m Sorry That I Left You (On New Years Day)” and “Just Lust” – that have been very well-received to date.

With the recent addition of Harry Burns to the band as a full-time member, Milk St. were motivated to get back into the studio, where they recorded 9+ demos in the span of just two weeks! One of these demos would form the foundation for “China Town” and the remainder of the singles to be included on their upcoming EP Vermont. With plenty more music in the tank to be mixed and mastered, this is just the beginning for Milk St.

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// Full docs on the response object can be found in the documentation
// for FB.getLoginStatus().
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// successful. See statusChangeCallback() for when this call is made.
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