Monkey Hunters – Playlists

Lions rarely hunt baboons because they are hard to catch and usually not worth the risk or effort. But there is one place in Africa’s …







23 responses to “Monkey Hunters – Playlists”

  1. Jampa Surprenant Avatar

    How amazing watching these animals trying to survive in the wilds.

  2. Salum .O. Bhoke Avatar

    I really like this trick thank you.

  3. مولاي سيدي عالي لعربي Avatar

    Somebody up there protecting some of these peeps.

  4. michel chapman Avatar

    Best way you can help these animals is to subscribe and click the like button. I'm going to do that right now

  5. GodlikeOCD Avatar

    i hate baboons

  6. Memo Wardwell Avatar

    The largest number of baboons in the CONUS is located in Washington,D.C. and they're called congressmen.

  7. Jampa Surprenant Avatar

    Cheetahs are the most beautiful big cats in the wild It is sad to see them losing themselves while hunting .

  8. Joe Correro Avatar

    is John Lennon narrating this video?!

  9. Carrie Bradley Avatar

    I love that this camp focuses on saving animals while teaching kids how to be responsible. The other beautiful part of this camp is the obviously beautiful friendships these kids seem to have built with one another. Didn't see cell phones, etc. Just young people socializing and making friends.

  10. The Orca Avatar

    Show the fucking kill during hunt.

  11. @Reza iran azarbayjan Avatar

    بازتصویور به فیلم مربوط نمی شود یک کلیپ گول زننده ودروغین که اصلا ربطی به تصویرظاهری ندارد اینطور نمی توانی کاربرجذب کنی بدتر آدما وقتی فیلم رابازمی کنند وبافیلمی که اصلا باتصویراصلی مربوط نمیشه ناراحت واحساس می کنندکه به شعورشون توهین شده مستندحیات وحش دیدنی بود ولی بهتربود درتصویراصلی عکس یک شیر ملنگ میمون می گذاشتید

  12. Rebecca Montes Avatar

    Why are you people druging that poor monkey

  13. the afternoon nut Avatar

    I'm here high on shrooms

  14. JCS Avatar

    a more apt title would simply be "Baboons", as this had very little to do with the cats that hunt monkeys

  15. Imjustbetter Avatar

    The way the little baboon through the frog 😭🙏

  16. John Craig Avatar

    I doubt a baboon would inflict serious wounds on a lion.

  17. Dreama Rouse Avatar

    Baboons and democrats are alike in they both will use babies to get what they want but really don't care about anyone but themselves 🤭

  18. JAQ_n _JILL Avatar

    When humans dont interfere, nature always takes care of itself. The food chain is brutal yet educational in so many ways.

  19. vivahernando1 Avatar

    Damn nature … you scary

  20. David Baum Avatar

    Man would I love to shoot some hogs!

  21. Emery Morey Avatar

    Bunk!!!! Not enuff killing!!! Cheap ass video