Most intimate sex of my life with someone I’ve been seeing


So I’ve been seeing this guy where we both gave off signs that we are not looking for anything serious. And we are not in love.

We had sex after couple of dates. When we went on dates he gave off vibes that he was kinda wild and dominant in bed. He is a hella masculine and fit guy.

But our real sex was super intimate and intense. Not like the wild sex I did imagine with him. He was very passionate, intense and intimate the whole time. We had such slow sex where he was always on missionary position. He is a bit dominant by nature but was super gentle and that surprised me cos he was not the person in bed I thought he would be when I was getting to know him.
He constantly asked me to look into his eyes during sex. And he was kissing and licking my face the whole time calling me beautiful.
He snuggled up and asked me to spoon with him after the sex, and he was very interested to talk about how he felt about it. He even went an other round.
He told me that this was one of the most intimate sexual experience he have had in the last so many years.

I left soon after cos he would also not stop cuddling and talking. And also I didn’t want to sleep at his place, cos we are not really dating.

How can men have sex like this without having any real feelings for the other person? I am happy about the experience, but I’m also genuinely curios.


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