Murder On A Sunday Morning – Playlists

Academy Award® winner for Best Documentary Film, the story follows the murder of a white woman and the Black teen that …







18 responses to “Murder On A Sunday Morning – Playlists”

  1. Michael French Avatar

    One serious takeaway – eyewitness testimony is not reliable.

  2. Anthony Akba Avatar

    I would Sue That Police department.

  3. Anthony Akba Avatar

    This police has bad ethnics he needs to be reported and replaced

  4. Anthony Akba Avatar

    This young boy wouldn't known anything about a freaking darenger pistol only old men Cary them

  5. Anthony Akba Avatar

    The police is lying 🤥

  6. No Nonsense Avatar

    None of the evidence points to Brenton, they were lazy in the investigation

    No gunshot residue, no money was found, it was still in the wallet 😮

    No weapon, the purse was 9 miles away

    Just sick how these so called detectives LIED

  7. moto1p1 Avatar

    Bread & Butter

  8. Tonya loper Avatar

    That poor child in jail and accused of something he didnt do. Breaks my heart to see him so scared and breaks my heart for his parents. His mom is a very pretty lady.i cant stand to see that baby….which is What he IS!! 15yr old Child… In chains. Makes me sick!! Thank you God he had wonderful parents. And a wonderful attorney.

  9. Maestro of Amore Avatar

    Scary to consider how few Public Defenders would be so thorough and conscientious in their duties as Mr. McGuinness.
    This man was heaven sent; particularly contrasted against the thoroughly corrupt detectives & D.A.

  10. Webert Mathieu Avatar

    I thought he was found guilty.

  11. Naoto Hex Avatar

    The complete incompetence of the police never ceases to baffle me.

  12. Pecan Brown Avatar


  13. Sharon Wang Avatar

    1:16:28 no one has said anything cooler

  14. KillVill Avatar

    I’m sorry that guys wife was murdered in front of him.. but the kid looked absolutely Nothing like the killer! The only similarity was the fact they’re both black. What in the absolute fuck, that old man just followed whatever the police said and can’t think for himself.

  15. Noelfils Avatar

    That old idiot had the nerve to say “ I wouldn’t put an innocent man in jail” 🤦🏾‍♂️

  16. KMH Avatar

    Shame on the detectives…May they reap what they sow. 🐷

  17. David Bolaños Avatar

    70% of i witness of suspects are wrong Disgusting detectives throwing this kid under the bus

  18. Mike Jr Avatar

    Man there’s a god bcause after watching this video and all the evidence and testimony from the detectives and the witness all of them are full of crap especially the detective who punch and hit the young boy while he was cuffed and in no way shape of form could he defend himself against the physical attack from the fat blank head detective 🤬 one thing is that the young man his lawyers worked day hard day and night to work on that young man murder case they didn’t give up or anything and they grilled every last one of those people on the witness stand I’m happy that he was found not guilty and came home just in time to celebrate thanksgiving with his family ❤ I hope he planning to sue them for wrongful incarceration Ik he only did six months those are months he’s lost during that time he spent in jail