Murder on the Orient Express – Playlists

Elegant, escapist entertainment at its stylishly European best. This Agatha Christie whodunit boasts an incredible international …







20 responses to “Murder on the Orient Express – Playlists”

  1. Carol Rios Avatar

    I do love this movie, definitely the best version; however, there are two things that are hard for me to watch. Ingrid Bergman in a weak role, and the grease on Poirot's hair. 😮

  2. Lee Mason Avatar

    Correction – this is the original – thank you Carol for setting me straight… check out the David Suchet version as post of the Poirot series.
    The original one is great! This movie is a painful waste of 127 minutes!

  3. GetOuttaTheJohnBoy Avatar

    This is without a doubt the WORST of these films made back the. Death on the Nile was superior in every way. As for 'Express' Finney's performance stands out as 'odd' given the serious nature of the setting and the feeling that this is a drama or even a modern day tragedy. The AMOUNT of over the top and 'comedic' performance by Finney is disproportionate to the setting. The film struggles to keep your attention as the pace is at a complete stop until 1 hour and twenty minutes in with Connery's first 'real' scene. Connery's performance is outplayed only by Oscar winner Wendy Hiller, who turns in a stellar, believable yet larger than life adaptation of the novel's character. While Bacall, Finney and Redgrave 'ham it up', the rest of the cast is true to the characters and a welcome respite from Finney's antics in the role. Aside from the very good performances, I HATE THIS BORING MOVIE. I never want to suffer through it again, lest I gouge my eyes out. The music score was excellent. Sidney Lumet should have taken the John Smithee route for this slow beat stinker.

  4. KubotaManDan Avatar

    I've seen a few other versions of this flick but never this one.

  5. Roger McIntyre Avatar

    Albert Finney is ok in his portrayal of Poirot, but David Suchet beats them all!

  6. Roger McIntyre Avatar

    46:36, Poirot examines the burnt paper.

  7. loretta rolison Avatar

    Great movie, but the way Poirot continually holds his head so immobile gives me a stiff neck……………

  8. Deux Poissons Avatar

    Personally… This character Hercule Poirot, is the worst ever Albert Finney did a terrible job. It’s a shame.

  9. Paulette Maximun Avatar

    Belgium and France are together…

  10. DP Avatar

    Thank yo. I really like this version

  11. new moon Avatar

    So funny to watch a movie that takes place on a train that makes no sound and doesn't sway back and forth. 😄

  12. B. Rad Avatar

    This was really really great 👍🏼😊❤

  13. Shagata Ganai Avatar

    All I know is I once watched an edit where the "chuff-CHUFFA-chuff-chuff" of the rescue train working its way closer and closer had been COMPLETELY cut out. I felt faint and disoriented. That's my nominee for "Most Barbarian Treatment of Sound In Cinema."

  14. Wanda Carter Avatar

    I❤ this movie!

  15. Fresh & Grey Avatar

    I am thrilled to find a version which is new to me. All great cast.


    I've never seen this version!

    Thank You
    For Uploading

    I want a tweed outfit like Mr Connery wears in his first scene.
    When he dismissively says of Poirot
    "Obviously a frog"
    I loved Poirot picking up both pekingese at once and handing them off.


    The musical score is perfect.

  18. Christina Avatar

    Ingrid and Isabella, wow! Like mother, like daughter!

  19. Ann Hinson Avatar

    Very enjoyable. I must say, I liked the one with David Suchet the best. A couple of years ago I was able to enjoy, I believe most of Agatha Christie stories on youtube, both Hercule Poirot and Miss Marple. None of them are available to watch anymore except on a different channel and you have to pay. Very disappointing.

  20. Linda D Avatar
