Mutual Concern over Non-Toxicity Creating Boring Sex


My boyfriend and I have been together for a few months. We are built for one another in every aspect of our communication, lifestyle, goals, aspirations, interests… we fit like a puzzle. BUTT…(pun)!

However, both of us in the past have had unhealthy relationships with other people (nothing crazy, just power imbalances where our partners cheated or were not equally invested).

We have a lot of sex… fun sex at that. We are comfortable and have similar sex drives… the only issue is that we have talked about how we both feel as though the “best” or “better” sex we have had has been with our toxic Xs.

We really want to be able to lock into that same passion that we had without unhealthy partners… but the heat just isn’t the same. What should we do… is this common? Is love getting in the way? Maybe it’s just a different type of sex?

We do worry about it continuing. Should we talk to a professional?

Has anyone had this experience and more importantly… what did you do to manage or fix it?

Please comment!


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