my [18F] bf[20M] cant cum from PIV


We have been sexually active for a year, but since we dont live together we go weeks/months without sex and then when we spend a couple of days togheter alone we do it like 4 times a day. everytime we have PIV sex he either goes soft while inside me or fucks me for like 30 mins+ and doesnt cum. These days I usually just stop him after 10 mins and finish him off with a bj. I always did it like that, but it hurts my self esteem to do PIV for so long he either goes soft or gets too tired so i just want to get this over with. Even bj takes around 15 mins. He also likes butt stuff (getting pegged, rimming) but he never came from that alone. I always have to suck him off, which is frustrating, especially 4 times a day and since i have a bit of a breeding kink and would love a creampie. I am honestly thinking about breaking up with him over this


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