My (19M) girlfriend (19F) refuses to take std test


I just want to start off by saying English isn’t my first language so sorry for any grammar error’s.

I have been talking to/seeing this girl for almost 3 months now. We have been on dates and doing all the normal stuff couples do. Recently she has been wanting to have sex for the first time but I told her I’m holding back on that until she does a std test.

My reasoning for this is because I know she has kissed about 50 people and has had sex with about 10 people in the last 3 years and has never had a std test in the past.

When I brought this up she said she was always safe in the past and that I shouldn’t worry, when I said I still didn’t wanna do it she got really defensive and said I should trust her, it ended up in a argument and now she doesn’t want to speak to me.
What should i think of this?


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