my (22f) boyfriend (22) never orgasms during sex


asking specifically men what I could improve or if the problem is me at all.
we’ve been together for a year and not once did he cum during sex. at first I thought it was anxiety on his end because I’m the first one he ever had sex with but that doesn’t seem to be the issue. with bj’s it takes me 5-15 mins to get him but so far we’ve found no sex position that does it for him.
I’m now like 90% sure it’s because we use condoms and what he usually enjoys is his foreskin moving up and down his tip (idk how to explain it) and inside a condom that doesn’t really work. we tried sizing up, lubing up the inside, doing kegels and he always says it feels good but just like something missing.
I considered hormonal bc but last time it absolutely decimated my libido to the point where I felt disgusted when my ex only touched me, so we both don’t want to take that route. bf says he enjoys sex as long as I have fun too but he much prefers bjs.
I’d like to know if any of you had the same problem and if it’s solvable or if we’re stuck on bj’s and bad sex forever.


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