My (24F) boyfriend (26M) is embarrassed that he wasn’t able to complete his “responsibilities” when we tried having sex last night.


Long story short, we tried having sex for the first time last night. Things had been going well until it came time for penetration. We were each other’s first time. I was nervous, but he was more nervous than I’d ever seen him before. I had sucked him off for about 2 minutes with no issues, but maybe should’ve gone for a little longer. Because we were eager it seemed to have PIV sex first, we did. He put on a condom without issue. He unfortunately was only able to penetrate me during PIV for about 2 minutes before losing his erection.

This issue was enough to get him to apologize to me nonstop. I told him it was okay and that I wasn’t insulting or critiquing him. This hurt his self esteem and I don’t know how else to comfort him. I obviously want to try having PIV sex again, but bringing it up to discuss is another challenge.


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