my (30f) partner (30m) is insecure because I use a vibrator to orgasm


We’ve been together for about 3 years. When we started dating it was really easy for me to have an orgasm. Now it’s not. Recently I’ve only been able to orgasm if we’re in one of my favourite positions and I have a vibrator.

Yesterday he wanted to give me an orgasm with oral. It didn’t work and it felt bad. We both ended up frustrated and now he’s feeling really insecure. He says the only way for him to feel better is to get better at giving me an orgasm without a vibrator. He says I’m addicted to it.

I don’t think I’m addicted. I think my life is more stressful now and it’s just way more difficult for me to get turned on and get off.

He wants me to give up my vibrator for a couple weeks, but the idea is really stressful to me. I don’t want to give up orgasms for that long. I just know I won’t be able to finish without it. He says that the reset will make it easier for me to cum after, but I just don’t think it’s worth it. I usually prefer to have sex like 6 days a week, with an orgasm every 2 or 3 times. Having sex without being able to control if I orgasm is going to be so frustrating and a huge turn off.

So he’s turned off by the vibrator and I’m turned off by not having access to it. We’re at a standstill. What do we do?


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