my bfs cum tastes really really bad


Okay I (F18) absolutely love this man (M18). I would literally go to the end of the world and back with him. However, a few weeks ago I gave him a blowjob, and he asked if he could cum in my mouth. It was the first blowjob I’d ever given, so I had no idea what cum tasted like. I thought it couldn’t be that bad, so I agreed to swallowing. Oh how wrong I was… when he came in my mouth I gagged but still swallowed because I didn’t want him to feel bad. I knew if I displayed any signs of disgust, my boyfriend would stop and ask if I was alright and make sure I felt comfortable. Obviously there is nothing wrong with that but I really wanted to make him feel good and since I’m a people pleaser I ignored how I was feeling and just told him it tasted good. A few days later, I was giving him a handjob and he came on his chest and some got on his hands as well. He asked if I would be okay with licking it off of him. I hesitated, because I was remembering what it tasted like a few days ago. Instantly, he knew something was wrong. He wiped himself off, grabbed my hand, and asked if I was okay. This time I had to be honest with him so I said that I really disliked the taste. I told him I’m sure it had nothing to do with him, that this was probably the same for every guy, and that I was really sorry. He told me that it was okay, that he was sorry it tasted bad, and that I will never have to taste his cum ever again if I didn’t want to.

Here’s where the issue is. I really want to like swallowing. I think that even if he doesn’t want to admit it, he finds it hot, and I just really want to make him feel good– I just can’t stand the taste, which got me thinking. Our communication is pretty solid. Sometimes, I don’t tell him how I’m feeling because I want him to be happy, but other than that, we are pretty open with each-other. On that note, is there anything he can do to improve the taste of his cum so that I can swallow it without gagging? If so, how do I go about telling him of such methods?

Side note: He is very clean. He showers every day, shaves regularly, uses soaps and water on his dick, and has really good hygiene in general so I’m not sure what the issue could be.

TLDR: my bfs cum tastes so bad that i gag but hes a sweetheart who always puts me first. when i told him i didnt like the taste, he said that it was okay and that i never have to swallow again, but i want to because im a people pleaser and want to make him happy.

EDIT: he doesnt drink, smoke, or do any substances.


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