My date told me I have messed up kinks…


I went on a date with this guy that I’ve known for about 6 months. We met through friends and we instantly hit it off. We have been on several dates and eventually had sex. Last week we were drinking and enjoying each others company when he asked me if I had any secret kinks. I blame the alcohol for removing the filter from my mouth, and I told him about a Reddit post I saw and he was shocked.

I saw a post on here months ago about liking rough sex. Not just rough sex, but the kind of sex where you are tortured mentally and physically. The post said that they wanted to be dominated and controlled, beaten, cut, bruised, marked, and left gasping and bloody. I know that this is all wrong and messed up but it turned me on imagining someone doing this to me. I’ve always had sexual fantasies that revolved around being forced and thrown around. When I saw that post and read the comments it made me realize how badly I want it.

He was silent for a hot minute and then told me how messed up those kind of kinks are. That I can not expect a man to love and respect me, but still do those things. I agreed with him and told him I knew it was crazy. However, I still can’t stop thinking about it and getting excited. He told me he could be rough but would never be able to hurt me. That is what normal people should want! Why am I not normal?

I guess my reason for posting this is because I want to know if other’s have similar kinks and fantasies like this. Like, we know it’s wrong and will not seek it out, but can’t help the desire to be treated like this. How do you satisfy this craving?


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