My (F25) fairly new partner (M27) told me that the smell of pussy determined levels of attraction.


I am not certain if this is common or not but basically, up until recently my boyfriend hasn’t dated a girl in about 2-3 years. During a conversation about our dating history, he confessed that he had multiple body counts, many of which stayed as just fuck buddies or casual one timers. Before making things official with me, he admitted to sleeping with over 5 women in the course of 1-2 months. I was curious to see why he chose me in the end and why it wasn’t any of the other girls… and he said it was because of how my pussy smelled. It made me remember of a time when he went down on me and said “I’ve never ate a girl out before, but with you I just really wanted to”. He said that he wasn’t attracted to the way their pussy smelled and due to that fact, he wasn’t inclined to go to the next level with any of them. I was confused, and the more he tried to explain it; the more I couldn’t wrap my head around it. If I had to guess, it has to do with pheromones and laws of attraction/human’s scent etc. (Reddit however has made it clear that pheromones don’t exist etc, so I’m not sure.) I am very happy with him , emotionally and physically but I was surprised to know that this was a dating requirement for him.


To other men, is this normal and/or something any of you can relate? Is my boyfriend just different lol?

For women, do you think we have a version of this; i.e if the dick smells bad we don’t want to date them and see them as boyfriend/husband material?


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