My first threesome…


My first threesome

I (F41) have a non-exclusive boyfriend (M40) and recently we’ve been discussing exploring some kinks.

It seems like there is strong potential for an MFM threesome with my bf and another guy (M36) I met online who is age appropriate, really cute and seems like he’s into the same things we are.

My bf is straight, but is happy to play around and take part in kinky scenarios. We are both very into penetrative sex and we fuck 1-2 times a day when we are together (a few times a week). He has a MagicCock™️ and I’m obsessed with it.

I’m straight but happy to explore, and while I’m really open to adventures, I’m quite new to anything outside of vanilla, monogamous piv.

The ‘invitee’ is bi, and has indicated he’s really into going down on both of us, watching us fuck, and eating me out after my bf cums in me.

The invitee and my bf have never met but seem fine with the idea of each other. They’ve seen photos and both are casually eager.

This is my first threesome and I *really* want to do it.
Of course I’d like it to be fun and enjoyable for all of us if possible.
I feel like my bf being there will help me feel safe, he’s a protective guy who always makes sure I’m okay.

I really love the idea of being satisfied by these two men, and watching/hearing them have an amazing time.

Can anyone tell me what to expect, in terms of pitfalls, boundaries, things I should be asking for or things I should be wary of?

This is very new to me and I’d rather it was fun than regretful.



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