My friend (28m) is no longer virgin now that he had a threesome with me (25m) and my gf (25). Part of me is proud of him, but another part of me feels manipulated


Last night my friend finally said goodbye to his virginity when he had a threesome with me and my gf. The threesome was originally my friend’s idea. My gf and I were not interested at first, but my friend was complaining about how he’s gonna die a virgin because no woman wanted to sleep with him. None of my attempts to play matchmaker worked out because my friend always came up with excuses. Eventually I gave up and so did he. However, he’s always been clear about one thing. He would be keen to have a threesome with me and my gf because he didn’t feel comfortable with anyone else seeing him naked and vulnerable.

My gf felt sorry for my friend when I shared with her what he shared with me. Make no mistake, my gf and I thought it was weird as fuck that my virgin friend only seemed interested in having sex with us, but at the same time, we started entertaining the idea. Long story short, the threesome happened. Let me tell you, my friend did not fuck like I did when I was virgin. He knew exactly what he was doing every step of the way. My gf and I were both impressed with his performance. However, when it was all said and done, I couldn’t help but wonder if my friend actually had sex before and his so called virginity was just an angle to get something he didn’t think he would get any other way.

I hate that I’m questioning my friend’s honesty, especially if this was a big moment for him, but what are the odds of a 28 year old virgin being a pro at sex?


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