My GF (22) F and me (22)M Have been together for almost 3 years and sex is still painful


Hi, never used Reddit before and have only seen those Tik toks but thought this would be a good place to get help. So me and my gf have been together for almost 3 years I was her first but whenever we have sex it is painful for her. No matter how much foreplay there is or how much I try to get her ready(slow,fast,soft,hard), no amount of time is enough and she is always tensing before we have intimacy preparing for the pain and she always finds it painful. I am struggling as I get off when my partner gets off, and The only time it is bearable for her is when she’s on her fertile window. But I’m a giver and am only happy when my partner is fully satisfied so would love some suggestions. She is against going to the doctor claiming that many women have this and it’s not a big deal but I want her to enjoy it as much as I do and not have to suffer every time we want to be intimate. Would appreciate serious answers only.


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