My gf lied to me about using protection


So basically my (23m) now girlfriend (24f) told me she hooked up with her long time friend w benefit the day after our first date. This wasnt an idea I loved but I have moved on from it, because its not important and she means a lot to me. We ended up sleeping together two weeks later and she had told me she had been safe with previous partners which is why we eventually had sex, a few months later, without protection. However, I just found out last night in an argument that she lied to me twice about using protection with this guy four months ago. He had given her oral herpes in the past and definitely was not being safe himself. I feel duped and lied to and Im not sure how to move forward with this. She lied to me knowingly two times about having safe sex with him and potentially exposed me to something without me knowing. I am going to get tested asap but to me the damage is done.

Edit: we organized a call to talk about it and now her phone wont deliver my messages hahaha. I think i know where this is going now.


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