My girlfriend asks me to dominate her, but it means “do all the work” and its ruined sex between us.


Title sums it up good, but Ill add more detail. When my gf [23F] and I [22M] have sex she always wants me to “dominate” her. But to me its started to feel less like her being submissive, and more like her being a pillow-princess. What she wants me to do is all of the work during sex: hold her down in a certain way she likes but not too tightly as to hurt her, kiss her in all of her erogenous zones but in the way she likes or it tickles and turns her off, put some of my body-weight on her so she feels overpowered but not too much or its uncomfortable, etc.

I’d be less frustrated with this if I got something out of it, but I don’t. Us having sex is basically just a fullbody workout for me except I have to be super aware to not hurt her and I can’t really do anything I want and it rarely ends in me finishing. Lets also be real here shes the one who is dominating me, and no shade to you femdom folks, but this is a huge turnoff for me. So at this point I basically just don’t want to have sex with her. Its no fun and a big pain in the ass and jerking off is more sexually satisfying. What can I do in this situation if I have already talked to her about this before?


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