My girlfriend fucked our friend but I’m not sure if she cheated


My girlfriend (25f) and I (30m) have been dating since college. We’ve talked about opening up our relationship with specific friends and have gotten flirty with a few different couples. None of these potential scenarios really included an open relationship, just us enjoying the idea of including our friends in our sex life. This didn’t really go anywhere for years worth of fantasies and private conversations. Recently, we were at our friends’ house, a recently married couple who we used to flirt with pretty heavily. We were all drinking, and we played some spicy party game that got slightly out of hand.. My gf made out with the wife, and we all groped each other and went into detail about sexual encounters, etc. Eventually we started winding down, and our friend (the wife) said she was going to walk their dogs, and I offered to keep her company. Not thinking anything was off, we spent half an hour in the backyard talking about life since college. She was trying to wipe mud off their paws, and i went in first. My friend (the husband) popped out of the guest bedroom looking guilty as fuck and immediately went into their bedroom without making eye contact. I slipped into our room for the night and saw my girlfriend naked on the bed, rubbing herself with her eyes closed. She was surprised and immediately smiled, not registering the shock on my face. She asked what had happened outside, and seemed eager to tell me what had happened to her. Apparently they hadn’t paid attention to where we had gone and just assumed that we were finally swapping. I wasn’t aware that swapping was on the table but from her expression I really don’t think she thought what she was doing was wrong. They didn’t use a condom and I don’t think my friend ended up telling his wife.


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