My Husband doesn’t blow jobs.



My husband and I have been married for 4 years. I love giving oral sex, I love being on my knees, and gagging all over his cock, while he grabs my hair and me looking up.

Well, when I try to give him oral, he hesitates and backs off. When I do have the opportunity to give him oral, he seems distant and has his eyes closed. Then he tries to initiate oral on me or PIV. I do have vaginal orgasms with him, but I love to give head.

When I give him head, it takes about 20 minutes for him to orgasm. He likes it nice and slow.

I think he’s self conscious with the size of his penis. He’s about 5.5 in. His penis fits in a condom, he always states he wish he had a bigger dick. His dick is Amazing, and it’s made
Me cum more than any other dick I’ve ever had. So what’s the deal here?

I just want to be choked with his dick, I don’t care about the size. Any advice as to how I can convince him to receiving oral from me? Thank you.


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