My male friends are self-proclaimed “animals.” Is it possible for men to respect a woman they want to fuck?


I’m going on dates with a guy; we’ve been out a few times properly over the last month. Today was the first time we physically touched. (He’s fresh out of a very long relationship and I’ve been trying to give him the space he needs to deal with that.) We made out and it was HOT. I wanted to fuck him SO BAD. My head was SPINNING. He made it clear that he wanted to have sex with me too, but I felt like I needed to play at least a little hard to get. So I let him get to 2nd base and firmly (begrudgingly) kept it from progressing from there. I don’t want to just be his damn fuck buddy. We’re both very attractive humans in our late 20’s who could bang whoever we wanted whenever we wanted. I don’t want to be another number to this man in particular….
Is it a thing for men to be emotionally attached to someone they’re having sex with or is it just a numbers game? I’m asking because I don’t want to believe that men are just animals, but many of my male friends in fact have described themselves as “goddamm animals.” I think anonymity for males to speak freely would help me elucidate if my male friends are just saying that to appear macho or if they genuinely believe it.


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