My Man Godfrey – Playlists

The definitive screwball comedy, My Man Godfrey follows the madcap antics of a wealthy and eccentric family when they hire a …







20 responses to “My Man Godfrey – Playlists”

  1. Joy Peace Avatar

    I donโ€™t watch many black & white MOVIES but there was just something about this one that kept me watching & I fell in love. Godfrey is the best ๐Ÿ˜‚ (Iโ€™ve watched it black & white and color)

  2. Jerry Umfress Avatar

    This is one of the best movies I've ever seen. I discovered it about 10 years ago, and I've seen it several times already. William Powell and Carole Lombard were two of the best actors to ever grace the silver screen!

  3. Lernie Smith Avatar

    Love love this movie it's a gem.

  4. bjklein444 Avatar

    Love โค this movie!

  5. Lorenzo Strother Avatar

    I've watched this movie so many times I absolutely love it. Great acting!!

  6. james berner Avatar

    Not one wasted frame.

  7. H2Ono Avatar

    "Nitwits, what are they?!…"

  8. Mary Mayer Avatar

    So Nice to see a movie that relys on good dialogue And clever plots without all The blatant profanity of most of today's movies and not having everybody stripping every Time they turn around I wonder if The precode movies that were made before censors used the profanity they use in today's movies never seen any precode ones

  9. Mary Mayer Avatar

    Carole Lombard was one of Hollywood s great beauties as well as fine comedienne of course William Powell is great in everything from life with Father. To the thin man series

  10. Mary Mayer Avatar

    I'm enjoying seeing these classics so much better in so many ways than today's movies Saw fog island v1946 version just watched. Suddenly last summer one of Liz's best performances also been watching some of Sherlock Holmes movies โคโคโคโค๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ˜Š

  11. Sharon Whiteley Avatar

    There are several versions of this movie/theme. This is is my favorite one. Hopefully people will enjoy it as much as I have throughout the years.

  12. Marilyn Papka Avatar

    I love these old movies.

  13. Lori Forges Avatar

    YAW YAW YAW or yeah yeah yeah. Love it

  14. WizzardOfPaws Avatar

    I loved Carole Lombard. She was so funny and beautiful. All the old movies are so good. They have this accent, like they're trying to sound like queen Elizabeth and it's fantastic.

  15. GalapagosPete Avatar

    Gail Patrick (Cornelia) later married Thomas Cornwell Jackson, quit acting, and, as Gail Patrick Jackson, became the executive producer of Perry Mason.

  16. george rowe Avatar

    I love this movie and I have to say Miss Cornelia is as suttle as a great white shark in a kiddie pool! If she smiles at you, it's already too late!

  17. Anna Zeman Avatar

    The only problem I have is that everything looks greenish. Very strange!

  18. Amethyst Anne Avatar

    At about 14:25, Godfrey asks for the address. I looked up 1011 5th Avenue, NYC, NY. Interesting address. Itโ€™s at the edge of Central Park.

  19. Logo Archive Collection Company Avatar

    But The Criterion Collection released that on Blu-ray.

  20. Rose Stone Avatar
