My new girlfriend never initiates kissing, touching or sex


Hi people, I’m having a bit of an issue that maybe someone can advise on? Just for a bit of background, I myself struggle to initiate things but I make an effort. When I’m comfortable I have no problem with it and every other girl I’ve been with I’ve never had an issue. I’ve started dating a girl recently and she’s great. Thing is, 99% of the time I initiate kissing, hand holding, putting my arm round her, sex, literally anything that differentiates between just being friends and being in a relationship. I’ve wondered if this is maybe because she didn’t feel the same but her vibe around me says otherwise, she doesn’t seem like she isn’t interested at all. So now I’m stuck confused as fuck because if I don’t initiate anything when we’re together then it just feels like we’re not a couple, more so just mates hanging out. Obviously that’s fine, sometimes I’m happy with that but I feel like a little more effort from her side would be nice. I’m not super confident and so by her not doing anything, it makes me anxious that she doesn’t like me that way so I’m more hesitant to kiss her and have sex. Anyone else had this problem? Or even just let me know I’m thinking about this wrong etc


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