My orgasm feel a lot different with my partner from when I’m alone


I’m quite inexperienced, so my bf is the only man who’s ever made me cum and it’s a lot different from when I masturbate.

When I masturbate I feel a specfic kind of pulsing in my pussy and since I don’t live alone I hold myself back with moaning, so I can feel my breathing change a lot.

When I’m with my partner there’s not really a feeling at a certain spot like that, it just generally feels really good and I moan a lot and then it feels a little more intense all over with no real “hot spots” where I feel it more and I get a lot louder and then I just feel a bit dizzy and I get a lot quieter and feel a bit less of the stimulation for a bit.

For a while I thought it was because my masturbating orgasms are all clitoral orgasms and when he’d make me cum there’d always be g spot stimulation, but recently he also made me cum when he went down on me before he started using his fingers at all so that was a clitoral orgasm and I still didn’t feel this specific feeling in one spot like when I masturbate. Just the overall pleasure that gets more intense and then I was dizzy and it was less intense for a bit like always.

Sometimes I question if it really was an orgasm because of that since I’m not very experienced bjt I’ve also gushed or squirted along with what I think my orgasm with my parnter is and I’m not sure that’s possible without an orgasm.

Can orgasms alone and with a partner be this different from each other?


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