My partner (21M) and I (20F) are trying to broach the topic of intimacy after I’ve had deeply affecting poor experience prior to our relationship.


My partner and I have been in a long term relationship for over a year now. From the start, he knew I was in a very poor sexual relationship with my last partner who used me physically repeatedly regardless of if I was hurting. I was often guilted into sex with my ex, even when I was visibly anxious or crying during it. My current partner is very kind and compassionate and made it clear he would never do that. He told me we never even had to engage in that form of intimacy, which I appreciated. We’ve found our own ways of working around it that both leave us happy and feeling close to each other without having penetrative sex.

I’ve been feeling very safe and secure with him and we’ve been talking about possibly having sex. He has made it clear that our talking is not leading to anything and that I could change my mind at any time and he would be okay. He’s also made it clear he respects me and if we only did it once and then I decided I never wanted to again, he wouldn’t hold it against me and he’d love me all the same.

I’m looking for advice on the following:
1. Besides lube, is there any way to make sex less painful?
2. How to deal with sexual trauma whilst engaging intimately with someone else.
3. And a general question: Last time I tried, penetrative sex hurt for me because of the diameter of the P. Is there any way to help this?

Thank you.


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