My partner only enjoys sex if I cum using his dick


I told him I enjoy watching porn where the girl gets tied up and the guy enjoys making her cum with a vibrator, and that I would like to do that sometimes instead of having PIV sex. He told me my porn is fake, and not true. That the guy is not really enjoying it and it’s just for the video. He said “how am I supposed to enjoy it as much as you when ur the one receiving”. He confirmed that the most important to him is making me cum with his dick, because it makes him feel like it was him who made me cum, and that all men are like this. Is this true? Do I just have too high expectations?

EDIT: I’m 23 (F) and he’s 30 (M). He’s my first sexual partner but he had a lot of relationships before me. At the beginning he would say he did a lot of kinky stuff with his exes so I had expectations, but we’re always having only vanilla sex + anal. To his defense, he will use a toy on me if I ask him to so it’s not like he doesn’t care about what I want, but he never does it by himself. Having to ask already kinda kills it for me. I have a full shelf of sex toys that I basically just use by myself when I’m alone (he doesn’t like me masturbating when we’re together, because “why would you when we can have PIV sex?”). I cannot cum from penetration only so I use a vibe on my clit during sex to finish, which already makes me feel guilty knowing he doesn’t enjoy it as much when I cum from toys and not purely from “him”. As long as his dick is inside of me it’s still acceptable for him though.


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