My partner’s mind often strays to random thoughts during sex, requiring lots of mental energy to refocus on the present, whereas I’m in the moment 99% of the time. What can I/we do to help her stay present with minimal effort, making sex more pleasurable, less taxing, and likely more frequent.


I’m late 30s male she’s mid 30s female. Shes an absolute smokeshow and we’ve known for years her libido is lower than mine. We believe some of it comes down to the culture she grew up in and some of it is down to her past, not-great sexual experiences. Shes also voluptuous and stunning but she really doesnt like her body sometimes.

I dont mean to be crude by sharing that together, we’ve figured out how to make her squirt multiple times with touch and during PiV. She finds climaxing challenging sometimes, though we’ve found her favourite position and favourite toy to help bring her to climax. Im saying this because it shows she is very much able to experience pleasure its just her poor mind is distracted.

During every sexual event, even if its oral only (which I love to do) she finds her mind wanders often and I feel it when it happens. I bring her back to the moment or she does it quietly herself but its like this weight on us both.

No wonder once a week is more than enough for her. All that work just to try enjoy the moment. All that mental energy. Its why she doesnt really enjoy masturbating because again her mind strays and the pleasure fades away.

So Id really appreciate any helpful suggestions or stories you might have. Maybe theres classes we can take? In intimacy or in mindfulness. Thanks for reading.


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