My pussy is too fat and I’m getting frustrated and depressed because of it.


So I have a fat pussy, it bulges out a bit and is quite noticeable in pants, jeans and leggings. I constantly have to wear long oversized shirts and even then the shirts only reach halfway my pussy and it’s all out when I stretch or raise my arms up and I can’t wear panties or else it hangs out a bit and I get friction burns so I wear boy shorts or boxers.
I also can’t wear fitted dresses without having a bulge.
Guys stare constantly and grope me there and I get uncomfortable and feel like one of my guy friends is only my friend because of it for letting him see it and fuck it.
He didn’t even penetrated me he only fucked the skin flap thingy??? By smooshing his dick between it and fucking it like that.
Ngl it felt good but like… I kinda regret it because that’s all he wants… he brings it up sometimes and rubs my thighs.
It’s caused me issues with my male cousin
He pulled off my shorts and underwear while I was spending the week with my aunt/his grandma because my parents where In the hospital.
He tried doing the deed while I was asleep I woke up to him on me trying to figure out how to do it but failed miserably and would constantly grope me when I tried napping throughout the day so I wouldn’t have to sleep at night to avoid it happening again.
He was 12 and I was 13 at the time and he tried again at 17. (I’m almost 20 now)
The family drama is already so fucked up so I haven’t told anybody about it. And I’ve told him to stop or else I’ll tell everyone and he backed off.


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