My sex drive is much higher after my wife gave birth. I thought the opposite is supposed to happen.


For last 4 or 5 years my wife and I would have sex 3 or 4 times a week. Before that it was once or twice a day. We have been together 15 years, I’m 38m she is 34f. She got pregnant summer 2022 and once she was at around 6 months pregnant our sex life died. She was self conscious, and I didn’t want her to feel bad rejecting me, so our sex life became her randomly blowing me or giving me HJ twice a week after she would insist that I let her, and turning down reciprocation. This continued until 2 months after my son’s birth. When she was cleared to have sex again after the birth I was not into it. I worried I would never be into it like i was before. But I was dead wrong.

Since then our life has gained a reliable routine and stability. I work from home, my job is easy, so she is with the baby all day and I can help out. Then she works 5 nights part time while I take care of the baby. We eat great food and enjoy THC edibles while raising our baby son (almost 6 months old). And now I am *always* wanting sex with her. It is like the wind blows near my crotch, and I am at full mast. Mild sexual thoughts cause me to be aroused. Sometimes I am aroused and don’t even know how it happened.

All my life, I noticed when I am full, I usually get in the mood, and with us staying home mostly to care for the baby, I am eating a lot and staying full…. and horny af

It is reaching a point where I want sex two or three times a day. When my wife indicates I am going too hard, I have to masturbate once she goes to work. But I thought being a dad would reduce my sex drive. Why has the opposite happened?


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