My wife her attitude towards body count and sex in general was shocking to me


I went out with some colleagues and friends, catching up on stories. They told about a friend of theirs with whom they went out in town by car. They drove to town with 3 of them and always came back with 4. The girl that went out with them always managed to seduce a guy to hookup. She lost count at 50 or so.

At home I told the story laughing to my wife, with who I am together with for 20 years and she didn’t laugh. She was shocked and disgusted. “Ewww, she must feel very dirty”. Now I was shocked. “Do you consider sex dirty?” Nope, but every time another guy, she must have had diseases etc etc.

I know she likes sex less than me, I’m HL and she is LL. But this I haven’t heard. When we do have sex, she’s enjoying it. We talked about polyamorie because we met a couple who’s into that and again: dirty, yuk. We’re monogamous and thus I don’t have other partners, but suppose I had, I wouldn’t consider it dirty if hygiene is respected.

This is just another piece of information I recently got from her considering sex. I don’t like this prudish attitude towards the sex life of others and I have a hard time processing this.

I really would appreciate advice on how to handle with this feeling. And any theories why this bothers me so. It literally doesn’t affect our sex life: I have a body count of 4, she 3, and we’re not involved with others. Still it bothers me.


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