My wife’s sexual interest in me heightened right after I relieved myself


Anyone else experienced this with their partner?

We could go on for days without much sexual interaction. My sexual tension would slowly build up until I couldn’t hold it anymore and I would (stupidly) relieve myself when she’s not at home.

Almost without fail, when she’s back from work in the evening, I notice that she would start to get naked around the house more often. Sometimes getting out of the shower naked and just casually hanging around. Sometimes she would put on a thin dress without anything underneath and join me on the couch. Sometimes when I’m already in bed, she would casually appear naked at the bedroom door and join me for a snuggle. This is usually the sign that she wants it. But usually, I’m not in the mood after I’ve done it for the day. This is quite frustrating but also make me curious: after musturbation, do males usually emit some sort of smell or sexual energy that turns their partner on? Or may be it’s just me and my wife? Or something else that I missed?


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