My(24f) current bf (33m) doesn’t even last 1 minute in bed


We had sex for the first time and I still can’t believe he came under a minute. Like I couldn’t even feel a single stroke and he was done.

Mind you he has a slimmer dick than most men.

It’s sad because I’m so used to a fuller dick which lasted atleast 7-10mins.

But under 1min is terrible and this was our first proper sex.

I gave him head before this and he came in 40secs.
Next he wanted me to sit on top of him without riding him.
He came in 5mins (without any movements).
I didnt even know it was possible for men to cum without stroking.

Is this normal? Does it have to do something with his age? Or the size of his dick?

Mind you he always taunts me saying that I’m not tight down there.


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