Never orgasmed.. also Pee??


I have never orgasmed in my life (F) and had accepted that I was probably one of the 10% that never do. But my boyfriend is determined to help me get there, and I’m pretty sure we’ve gotten pretty close several times, but I always stop him beforehand because I feel overstimulated and sometimes like I may pee.
Today I worked on it alone while he went to the store (we think I’m definitely way too in my head ab it) and I am quite positive I peed?? I googled a bunch because this is what I’ve always been scared of, and everything says it’s squirting but I still feel like it’s not?? It feels like peeing, it smells like urine, HOW CAN IT NOT BE URINE?
Does anyone have the same/similar issue(s)?

TLDR; can’t orgasm, tried, peed, HUH


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