New girl I’m seeing is extremely sensitive and cums at the drop of a hat, how can I keep from overwhelming her?


So I (m28) have started dating one of my good friends( f30) and we only recently started becoming physically affectionate. Sex isn’t on the table so the farthest we’ve gotten is making out. But for her that’s apparently enough.

She is extremely sensitive sexually. I’ve made her cum in less than a minute just by lightly kissing her neck, or even just long firm kissing. I’m not even getting handsy. Any time we make out she will finish two or three times at least.

Now I absolutely love this, to be clear. It’s very satisfying to please her that much. But I’d also like to be able to kiss her in public without her having to cover up her excitement. Any ideas on how to “mellow out” the both of us, so we can be affectionate without getting in trouble?


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