New to Casual Sex, Busted Lip?


I am going through a divorce so I’m new to having casual sex so please be gentle.
I had rougher sex with someone and they absolutely bit the hell out of my lip or sucked on my lip really hard (I remember it hurt badly but I was drinking and am not sure what exactly caused the injury).
It’s been 48 hours. My lip hurts like hell and is swollen. I smiled this morning and the spot cracked and pus came out (I know, gross but). My lips are so dry around this bubble in my lip despite being hydrated and using aquaphor on the spot.
Do I need to see a doctor? Will the swelling go down on its own? Now that there’s a bubble should I be worried? It does not appear to be a cold sore (I’ve had them in the past and it definitely isn’t one). It’s no bueno and I’m freaking out about it honestly.


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