New tracks in the Unreal Tournament style! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO -Playlists


Been hunting for a while for more OSTs in the same vein as Unreal tournament but it’s not the most common thing you can find on the internet. There were some new tracks when they were working on UT4 but this is now long gone… Been craving those sweet dnb beats and dreamy melodies.

I stumbled on this soundcloud account and man it’s darn close! It’s from a small VR game that looks a lot like Unreal Tournament.

Digging more, I have found their donation page where they have the FLAC quality pack (5 bucks for 5 tracks). They collect this money to fund more. So naturally as I want more, I am sharing this around so they get the donations to make more of that nostalgia fuel

What do you folks think? Are those bringing memories for you as well?


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