No sex drive after getting off birth control pills?


I’m asking for my girlfriend here, we’re at a bit of a peculiar case because my girlfriend had fairly normal sex drive until she got off birth control a few months ago; most information about sex drive and birth control that I saw online was how women lost their sex drive when they got on birth control, not off it.

When she was on birth control, she didn’t have the highest sex drive, in exception to some bursts of increased drive after we hadn’t for a couple of weeks. But we still had passionate sex once or twice a week and it was fine the way it was. But after she started a new job she became very busy and started forgetting her pills so now she’s gotten completely off it. I think now that it’s been about ~6 months, her libido is at her all time low that I’ve been with her.

I noticed it after a few months so we talked about it then, at which she mentioned she’d prefer to initiate the sex so she doesn’t feel bad when I ask and she has to say no, and would make her feel pressured about sex. So it’s been a couple months since I haven’t initiated sex as well and I think we had sex maybe once or twice during this period. It wasn’t very passionate at all and it felt as if she’s doing it just to make sure I’m not feeling too frustrated.

She’s considering going back to birth control pills, but I’m not even sure if that’s the right solution because I imagine this is a result of hormonal imbalance caused by getting off birth control, and I don’t know that going through another change in her hormonal balance is the right solution. She’s not very used to going to the doctors and feels very uncomfortable about talking about her sex life with medical professionals, so I’m not quite sure what we should do here. Has any woman here gone through a similar experience, and if so, how did you deal with this?

**TL;DR Girlfriend has basically zero sex drive after getting off the pills even though it was normal when she was on them. She doesn’t really want to get into it with the doctors so she wants to just go back to taking birth control, but not sure if that’s the best course of action so just asking for advice from anyone who’s going through something similar!**


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