Nope – Playlists

Oscar® winner Jordan Peele disrupted and redefined modern horror with Get Out and then Us. Now, he reimagines the summer …








35 responses to “Nope – Playlists”

  1. AngryCamping Avatar

    Just bought it here for £11.99 (reasonable). To all those saying 'wait and stream', if everybody does that, NO MORE movies! Everybody gotta get paid, so pay your way!

  2. Lindsey Miller Avatar

    That's what I said when I saw the price to rent NOPE!!

  3. Monty theGod Avatar

    Family Premium subscriber here.. this should be free to me !

  4. Charlie Dool Avatar

    Yeah, anyone wondering whether to bother for the price, don't bother. Dull, disjointed, dumb. Watch Get Out and leave it at that.

  5. Victoria Katherine Avatar

    Nope! Ain't paying 15 quid.

  6. daisy Avatar

    £20 to rent?!?!?! NOPE.

  7. Zee 99 Avatar

    Man said £19.99 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  8. Sams R Avatar

    Why pay 20 £on s movie when you can wait for a couple of months and watch on streaming for free ?

  9. M squared Avatar

    I’m only getting the £19.99 HD option

  10. Altix Avatar

    £20 – Nope

  11. nichola Jayne Avatar

    £19.99 to rent a movie?! Are you people high 🥴

  12. david1964 Avatar

    Someone wake me up when they're renting it for £2.99. Cheers.

  13. tnetroP Avatar

    Haha, £15.99 to rent a film when I could go to the cinema for that? NOPE!

  14. Egypt Avatar

    £19.99 ??? cinema is £5 uno ..

  15. Sidlicious Avatar

    Honestly, this goes straight into my 5 worst movies ever watched. I watched half an hour then gave up because it was so bad. Then I decided to finish it a couple of days later because it must get better, right? Wrong. Completely and utterly dreadful. Awful, annoying, boring characters, no cohesion to the plot whatsoever, no humour, no horror, no pace. Worse than boring. Utterly dreadful.

  16. Monica Monroe Avatar

    guys the reason why it’s so expensive to rent is because IT’S STILL IN CINEMAS

  17. Ozzy Zee Avatar

    This film is absolute garbage.

  18. Miss Mentats Avatar

    Nope I cannot afford to rent this movie

  19. Paul du Heaume Avatar

    Seriously good movie, its not for everyone and if you are expecting a straight or Sci Fi, then you might want to pass. Its got plenty to say and lots left unexplained. If you are prepared to enter this crafted world, enjoy the sumptuous visuals and strong perfomances you are in for a treat

  20. L Avatar

    To me this is one of the best films i've ever seen. Incredible visuals, sound design, soundtrack, acting and directing. A perfect mix of different genres; modern western, horror, sci-fi, suspense with some comedy too. The subtext and parallels to real life issues are so nuanced, it was clear that so much thought that went into many details. Unlike typical formulated cash grab movies like many these days, this movie really has something to say. I have thought of this film every day since I first saw it a few weeks ago and keep noticing new things about it and meanings behind certain additions. That's something important to remember with this film. It doesn't spoonfeed you its meanings, it doesn't need to. It's not too abstract that there isn't meanings or they're really hard to get but you have to use your brain. If you can't do that or don't like movies that make you think, stick to Marvel movies or something. If a person complains that they don't understand parts of it so didn't like it, that just shows that their comprehension/ critical thinking is poor. It's fine if this isn't a film for you, but this is objectively in many ways a really well done film.

  21. Rich Xx Avatar

    Hugely disappointing. Incredibly dull. No pace, no depth. The actors all worked truthfully with the lines they were given. It just didn't work, and you have to lay that on the toes of the director, the producers and the script writers.

  22. Dave Devon Avatar

    15£ to rent that’s a nope 😂

  23. brett pigden Avatar

    It's a good strange movie but cmon no film is worth that much ffs?
    More expensive than the cinema I paid £5.99 at vue flicks

  24. Fatou Francesca Mbow Avatar

    Watched the movie @ the cinema yesterday: spectacular, in every sense of the world…the finesse of intelligence in all its beauty

  25. CHIP Avatar

    50 minutes and hardly anything has happened

  26. Jay Peterson Avatar

    £19.99 to rent, you crazy-tube!

  27. Pam Solo Avatar

    Oww, I just cut my finger on some edge in the comments…

  28. D Kane Avatar

    £19.99 to rent !

  29. Bushcat Avatar

    Ha HA Ha.
    No one cares, check the receipts, pathetic that you have to employ black british actors to portray oppressed black americans.
    Maybe its because they are africans?

  30. Evernow Beats Avatar

    i like this movie, i think its good

  31. TravellingShoes Avatar

    £15 to rent a movie? That is obscene.